Project EventHeartFinder

The Business Plan has been written and assessed. The figures are a realistic representation of the plans. We spoke with a number of participants, web and app builders, a subsidy provider and an accountant. All possible steps have been taken. Now is the time to get the EventHeartFinder project funded. The project has been set up with great care.

Investment Needs Project EventHeartFinder

In our setup we assume the participation of all companies. Before the start, we are mainly looking for financial resources to be able to bear the first initial costs. All participating parties have entered into a commitment and have made agreements together.

Investment Needs (excl. VAT)
Computer equipment, software, office costs, Social Media tool.etc. € 5.000
Building a Corporate Website and App(incl. Dashboard environment) € 80.000
Unforeseen € 5.000
Total Investment Needs € 90.000
Working capital requirement(excl. VAT)
Pre-financing costs of establishment, subsidy costs € 10.000
Unforeseen € 10.000
Total working capital € 20.000
"Start-up costs (living costs), business cards/logo design, marketing costs/advertising, travel costs)" € 40.000
Total investment € 150.000

We are looking for a combination of the following crowdfunding options:

  • Crowdfunding: based on loans, peer-to-peer: preferably with a crowdfunder/financier specialized in IT and innovation
  • Crowdfunding, equity-based: investors, companies, individuals or participating participants
  • Crowdfunding based on rewards: for example prepaid costs by 'Boards of Tourism' in various countries, Convention Bureaus or Destinations. Think of x years including  a fixed rate.
  • Crowdfunding via investors, return or profit is difficult to determine in advance.
State of affairs
Total amount to be collected before the start € 150.000
Collected amount € 0
Difference, still to go € 150.000

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"Winners have a goal, losers an excuse!"