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Welcome to the Showcase of the project "EventHeartFinder". As long as I work in the Industry, I have wondered why people were producing so much quotations. I thought things through. Came with the solution. Now I am ready to present my plan. Step by step, to the final decision.

Instruction: follow the red lines or buttons, they will bring you step by step to the next step or give you an exmple or instruction.

First step choose the destination

Second step choose the options

Third step fill in the form

After preconfirming all options

View for information and confirm all options

View the information about the destination

View the information about the hotel(s)

Fourth step choose the Event Organizer(s)

Schedule a meeting about the event with the Event Organizer

Destination Management Company - Tailor Made Event

Confirm the the event

Final step the Payment

Invite all participants after the payment